Thursday, April 7, 2011

7/4/11 La Ciudad Pequeña

There are just under 20,000 people in SJDS. To put that in perspective, that’s about the size of the student section at a Michigan Football game. I already see the same people over and over again, which is a double edged sword since one of them is a scary clown. Most are local Nicaraguans, but a fair number are tourists and expatriates who have moved here for a taste of the simple life. The main industry of the town is tourism. There are a ton of Europeans here and most of them are in the middle of months or years long tours of South and Central America. There are beautiful homes in some areas that are generally owned by wealthy foreigners but are empty most of the year.
The town is on the Pacific Ocean and sits between two mountains. There is a small school, a church and of course our clinic. Went to watch a basketball game last night with some of the girls who work at la Iguana. For the first half I thought the players were middle school students so I was all, “ohh look how adorable and serious they are!” Then, when one came to say hello to the woman next to me at halftime, I realized that they were like 30, and that I am a REALLY bad judge of age.
I have been going to the bar every night. The rum here is amazing. I have to find out what the laws are about how much I can bring back to the States.  Oh and it’s also a great place to practice Spanish since there is no getting rid of the locals who want to chat you up. Apparently I’m a pretty good speaker, for an American. I think it’s the baseless confidence two ron y colas gives me.
Got a “Go Blue!” today at the beach while wearing Michigan shorts and yellow tank top. Love it.

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