Thursday, April 14, 2011

14/4/11 La Piscina

The other day at the coffee shop El Gato Negro, a kind of haven for expats that looks like a hippy version of Starbucks, Stella and I met a woman from Texas who has a condo here. She spoke very little Spanish and whatever she did had such a heavy southern accent that no one could understand her anyway, so she needed a translator. We starting talking, and grateful to meet other Americans, she invited us to swim at the pool at her condo complex in the mountains overlooking San Juan. We thought this would be a nice change of pace so we took her up on the offer.
There are many luxury condos being built around the area along with the resorts and flocks of people with money can come down and pay cash for these homes. This country does not believe in credit, or mortgages. Some people from Managua have private homes in the area, which is kind of like having a house in the Hamptons. It was strange to spend the day in a place where no one speaks Spanish and they cater to you like at a country club, but leaving refreshed and not covered in sand was quite nice!

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