Monday, April 18, 2011

18/4/11 La Salida

This morning I am sad to say adios to Nicaragua. I will miss the weather (it didn’t rain once and there was rarely a cloud in the sky), the people I met, the adventure and of course the rum. I do have 4 bottles in my bag right now though, so that should last me at least until the end of the month!
My cab driver from the bus station in Managua to the airport was happy to chat about my trip and what I was going back to in the States. He is impressed with my Spanish. They say once you speak without thinking you know you are on the right track. I say I should not even do that in English, but regardless. I have progressed a lot but can’t wait to get back to my native tongue.
At my stop over in Atlanta the guy directing people at customs is trying to speak to me in broken Spanish, meanwhile I am wearing my Michigan tee shirt and Wayne State School of Medicine zip-up thinking, “am I really THAT tan?!” I say, “uhh obviously I speak English,” he goes “oh thank god.” My thoughts exactly.

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