Friday, April 15, 2011

15/4/11 La Clinica: Última Parte

La doctora and I talk a little about the healthcare system here in Nica. It is government run so care here is free, but like in many other countries, to get really good, and reliable, care you have to go private. The family I am staying with took their child to Managua for a tonsillectomy and all the doctors they see are there in the capital. They are relatively affluent though and obviously this is not an option for everyone. Nica is the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere next to Haiti, and it is evident.
On my last day in clinic Dr. Rodríguez asked that we keep in touch, and that when I get back to the States I send some things back to the clinic. I had already planned on sending some hand sanitizer and other sterile materials that I was bothered by not having in El Centro. She also asked for a stethoscope, BP cuff, scrubs, and the bag I was carrying. She literally asked for the items off of my back. I get the impression they think all Americans are Donald Trump. I told her as soon as I got back to the States I would send as much as I can. She thanked me for all my help and I thanked her for putting up with my muddled Spanish. I really enjoyed my time working there. It was definitely a new experience!

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