Monday, April 11, 2011

11/4/11 La Comida

After one week in Nicaragua I can safely say that I have never eaten more beans and rice in my life. Abuelita does most of the cooking at the house and she serves this as a side for casi todas las comidas, including breakfast. The best version is Gallo Pinto which is, of course, fried. There is always some fruit juice along with the meal, today was cantaloupe, and often fried plantains. She is a great cook but there IS the rare misfire, like this hot egg soup in clear broth. Not only is hot soup on a 95 degree day not my ideal meal, but when there are two whole egg yolks floating in it I am reminded me of something from Indiana Jones that’s like laughably terrible. Had delicious seafood stew at a restaurant on the beach that afternoon!
It has not been very difficult to keep my Lenten promise since the fish here es muy delicioso. I had great pescado asado in Ometepe, made even better with a rum and coke! I hear that they served cow intestines last week at the house. Thankfully I have a built in excuse should they try that again! I stick to shrimp and fish and we have even had lobster a few nights. I definitely do not miss Taco Bell.

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