Sunday, April 17, 2011

17/4/11 La Adventura

Today I ash boarded down the side of an active volcano. Somehow I talked Stella into trying it with me, even though she says she prefers to stick to things that aren’t likely to kill you. Cerro Negro is a young volcano just outside of León whose last eruption was in 1999. Our guide, Franklin, assured us that the eruptions only happen every 12 years or so. Doing the math we were a little comcerned but he was confident we would have heard if anything was brewing. He was billed as bilingual but he was more like quadrilingual, fluent in English, German and studying Italian and a little French, along with his native Spanish. ¡Muy impresivo! He was great to chat with, in all languages, and kept our nerves at bay on the climb up.
Scaling the volcano was HARD! The landscape was all rock and ash and was at times pretty terrifying. The views were amazing! We took tons of pictures trying to delay the inevitable trip down the mountain, and once we got to the top we had quite an audience! The ride down was invigorating, if a touch dirtier than snowboarding. I would definitely recommend it if you are ever in the area!

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